They are semi large lemurs with black and
white pattern of rings on their tail.
Body structure and narrow snout give this animal a foxy appearance.
Their front extremities are a bit shorter than back ones and they have long, slim and skilled fingers with nails.
Their front extremities are a bit shorter than back ones and they have long, slim and skilled fingers with nails. The sole on back foot is naked on the heel, meanwhile at other kinds of lemurs, the heel is covered with fur. Back extremities have horny claw which is used for nursing the fur. The smallest species of lemur weights only 10 grams. They live only in south and southeast coast of Madagascar.

The size of the pack depends on the field on which lemurs live, but on average there are 15 – 26 subjects
in the pack, from that 6 – 10 females. The largest threat for lemurs is losing their habitat and illegal hunting. They eat fruits, flowers, herbs, bark and leaves. They also like old wood, soil, spider web and small insects.